A few years ago, my friend Sadie sent me some white pumpkin seeds and I managed to grow two decent sized pumpkins (I'm no Alan Titchmarsh so even that was a miracle)It was round the time that the film "Wallace & Grommit - The curse of the Were Rabbit" was at the cinema and while browsing the
website I found some Pumpkin Carving templates of W & G and set to, carving out the pumpkins for Halloween I was actually well pleased with my efforts, especially when the trick or treaters recognized them. It occurred to me the other day that Pumpkin Carving and silhouettes for the Craft Robo need to have similar characteristics, so I quickly rustled up the attached, just as an experiment. I think if you were going to make a card you would have to use just one character as you couldn't make the templates any smaller (This is an A4 sheet) However at this time of year there are loads of Pumkin Carving templates on the web just waiting to be plundered and used on the Craft Robo, I feel a project coming on.
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