It's funny how two completely different things seem to gel in your mind. Recently I mentioned to Nikki how much I was enjoying the trend for mashing two names together like Jedward. I told her that two of my daughter's housemates, a couple called James and Anne-Marie are known to one and all as Jam-Marie, which cracks me up every time I hear it. Me and my DH would be Derrkie which I'm not sure about :) Back in the day (the early sixties) when my cousin Angela got married, she and her husband Trevor followed the trend at the time and ran their names together to make their house name "Trevange" At this time my father was stationed in Chepstow (this being St.David's Day put me in mind of this) and we lived in Married Quarters in Wyvern Road which was stuck out on a piece of land within a whisker of the Severn Bridge, between where the Wye river enters the Severn estuary and the Severn estuary itself. My parents always maintained that Wyvern was a mash-up (although I doubt they used this term) of Wye and Severn to take into account its unique position. I have subsequently discovered however that Wyvern is the Welsh word for Dragon but I am still fond of the mashing theory.
Of course there is also the mashing of Christian and Surnames such as Subo. I wonder how Amanda Holden would feel about being dubbed A Man Hole (or God forbid, A Hole!)
1 comment:
Hi Jackie,
Thanks for the visit :o) My first hour (can't say day!) at the new job went well!
I loved reading your piece about the name mashing. I had completely forgotten that it had all been done before. What a hoot it was to see people naming their house or business after their mashed names. It always seemed to signify people rather like those who attended Abigail's Party on tv!!
Funny you should mention the Severn Bridge as I'll be going across it on Friday for the first time. We're taking Dave's daughter Kaye to Newport as she has a course to attend all day. I'm hoping Newport is good for shopping :o)
Yes Mo's digital art is absolutely adorable. Do you print them off and then colour them in? I've bought some watercolour pencils, is that what you use?
Must go, dinner on the table.
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