I had a birthday in July with an "0" at the end and my husband bought me a
Craft Robo machine which I have been slowly getting to grips with and there has been a lot of experimenting with paper and confetti strewn across the floor and very little cardmaking however I am quite pleased with these two cards made from the same template by Paula Pauscale on
UKS I did make the mistake with the green one of fiddling about with it after I had stuck it down so I wasn't able to make all the changes I wanted to, and it looks a little unfinished. It was for my daughter to celebrate her successful 'A' level results and she doesn't seem to mind the "experimental" nature of it. My MIL gave her a generous cheque when she heard the news of her results so the pink card is for her and is a little bit more polished although I have stuck the inside of the "a" in Nanny upside down, but I won't dwell

on that too much. I do like blogger but in order to make the photos look nice if you want to display more than one you have to have quite a lot of text and to be honest I haven't really got that much to say so I think I will tell you a story I heard on Terry Wogan the other day. Apparently this chap went into a bookshop and asked the assistant if she had "Order of the Phoenix" She tapped a few keys on the computer and finally turned to him and said "Nothing here, when did you put your order in Mr. Phoenix?" Right that should do it for balancing p the text and photos for this entry. See you next time!